2007-2008 series
April 21: Will Boney 2008,The axiom of choice.
April 14: Lynn Xue 2009,
Fibonacci numbers and their continued fractions, part II.
April 7: Lynn Xue 2009 and Jose Bonnin-Cadogan 2009,
Fibonacci numbers and their continued fractions, part I.
March 31: Sarah Spencer 2008,
Statistics behind hitting a moving target: detection of recombination in hepatitis B virus.
March 10: Jesse Peterson-Brandt 2009,
Hankel transforms of Catalan numbers: finding recurrence relations II.
March 3: Jon Cline 2008,
Factoring Hankel matrices.
February 25: Rolf Hoyer 2008,
Delta sets of numerical monoids.
February 18: Mona Chughtai 2008 and Jesse Peterson-Brandt 2009,
Hankel transforms of Catalan numbers: finding recurrence relations.
February 4: Professors Karen Shuman, Royce Wolf, and Charles Jepsen on summer research opportunities, including Mentored Advanced Projects.
January 28: Solutions to problems from the 2007 William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition.
November 12: Heather Russell, University of Iowa,
Knots and their invariants.
November 5: Will Boney 2009,
Nonstandard analysis: I know my infinitesimal calculus / you me is in the monad of us.
October 8: Halima Ilyas 2009,
Ramanujan's equations.
October 1: Katrina Honigs 2008,
The space between: graph theory and the geometry of the Hausdorff metric.
September 24: Matthew Johnson 2008,
Covers for all right triangles of perimeter 2.
September 10: Pizza and a movie: a documentary on Fermat's last theorem.
2006-2007 series
May 9: Halley Feil 2008,Norms in functional analysis.
May 2: Jon Van Laarhoven and Carlos De La Mora (University of Iowa),
An introduction to Euclidean minimal Steiner trees.
April 25: Mike Gideon 2007,
Applying functional analysis to economic theory: economic models in infinite dimensional space.
April 11: Norman Perlmutter 2007,
Beating the Taxman.
February 7: Professors Marc Chamberland, Chris French, and Charles Jepsen,
Summer research opportunities in mathematics.
January 31: Professor Chris French,
Fibonacci numbers and continued fractions.
January 24: Solutions to problems from the 2006 William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition.
November 29: Emily Levenberg 2007,
Interpolation maps on two interval wavelet sets.
November 15: Ben Backup 2007 and Chris LeBailly 2008,
Surgeries on finite dimensional frames.
November 8: Ian Besse 2000,
A heuristic algorithm for integrated circuit layout reconstruction.
October 11: Sandra King 2008,
Computational calculation of the melting point of gold.
September 27: Trevor Sedberry 2007,
Let's go dissect a kite!
September 20: Rolf Hoyer 2008,
Summer research 2006: Cutting a trapezoid into triangles of equal area.
September 13: Professor Marc Chamberland,
Have your π and eat it too!
September 6: Film:
N is a number: a portrait of Paul Erdös.
2005-2006 series
May 3: Will N. Boney 2008,Introducing frames: they've got potential.
May 2: Avram Gottschlich 2007,
Can you keep a secret?
April 27: Joana Ofori-Addo 2008, Monica Ugwi 2008, Bradley Miller 2007, and Michael Lewis 2008,
Automation of the athletic recruiting process: Why PHP and mySQL are our friends.
April 26: Professor Steven Cunningham,
Visualization in mathematics.
April 20: Rolf W. Hoyer 2008,
Factoring in a flash: an application of elliptic curves.
April 5: Professor Judith Brown,
Images for insight.
February 15: Yvonne Palm 2006 and Tue To 2006,
Geospatial analysis: estimating asthma prevalence rates in the United States.
February 8: Professors Charles Jepsen and Keri Kornelson,
Summer opportunities for research in mathematics.
February 1: Professors Henry Walker and Sam Rebelsky,
Summer opportunities for research in computer science.
January 25: Solutions to problems from the 2005 William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition.
December 7: Shobha Kazinka 2006,
Quantum computing for fun and profit.
November 30: Andrew W. Rinne 2006,
Aligning protein structures with knot theory.
November 9: Arjun Guha 2006,
Taming Scheme: refactoring for types.
November 2: Demetrio Ropas 2008 and Lin Ji 2008,
Use of geospatial demographics in college recruitment planning.
October 26: Valeria Vulpe 2008,
Fitting one geometric figure into another.
October 5: Steffi Fried 2007,
Choose me! E-choosability in outer-planar 2-connected graphs.
September 21: Norman Perlmutter 2007,
Representations of bicycles and tricycles.
September 14: Yvonne Palm 2006,
Data visualization and its role in the practice of statistics.
September 7: Oge Nnadi 2006 and Katie Ryan 2007,
Visualizing K-Bessel functions.
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